Registration Now Open for In-Person XPLOR21 Conference in St. Pete Beach, Florida

Consultants, industry experts and vendors who will share the latest best practices and trends in the customer communications industry.

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Xplor International has announced that the conference website and registration are now open for their annual conference. XPLOR21 will take place in person November 16-18, 2021 at the TradeWinds Island Grand in St. Pete Beach, Florida. Attendees can register here: 

Tweet this: @Xplor_Int announces #XPLOR21 registration is open for the in-person annual conference on November 16-18, 2021 which will be held at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort (@TWResorts) in St. Pete Beach, FL 

Hailed as "The Future of Customer Communications", the two-and-a-half-day conference brings together end-users, analysts, consultants, industry experts and vendors who will share the latest best practices and trends in the customer communications industry.

For the 2021 conference, we are picking up what we wanted to do for last year’s event by going back to basics where many Xplorers say the 'best years' of Xplor's modern conferences were. The event is being held at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort in sunny St. Pete Beach, Florida.

Xplor events are known for great educational content and XPLOR21 will be no exception. The conference features a blend of general, panel and breakout sessions that address best practices and processes driving the industry.

Rapid changes in technology are driving industry trends and best practices. Understanding the technologies, trends and how to best engage your customers and prospects is critical to your success. Our 2021 Education Committee has researched the topics that are dominating our industry. Their research coupled with Xplor surveys resulted in three tracks that will cover 21 areas of focus. Those tracks include industry trends, technology, and engagement.

For more information regarding XPLOR21, or to access the registration site, please visit

Interested in speaking or exhibiting? Watch for the XPLOR21 Call for Presentations announcement or email [email protected] to be notified once we are accepting applications. If you are interested in exhibiting, please email [email protected]

Questions should be directed to Xplor HQ via email at [email protected] or by phone at +1-813-949-6170, between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (ET), Monday through Friday.