

Pageflex enables companies across the globe to communicate their marketing messages more easily and effectively. The award-winning Pageflex product line sets the standard for excellence and innovation in targeted marketing and brand management.

At its core, Pageflex offers the ability to personalize any form of communication in print, e-mail, or on the Web. Our Web-to-Print software, in particular, has earned widespread recognition as a best-in-class solution for online document customization and ordering.

With Pageflex, organizations expand their business, control costs, develop one-to-one relationships, and produce every form of communication imaginable. Pageflex pioneered the concepts of variable data and web-to-print storefronts, and has expanded to offer software for multi-channel campaign management and dynamic publishing. Pageflex solutions use the patented Pageflex variable publishing engine and AdobeInDesign.